Promptech Incorporated was established in 2000 by highly experienced young and dynamic project management professionals. Promptech brings more than 100 years of experience in the projects management consultancy with the blend of highly skilled experience in consultancy and execution to provide clients with numerous sectors such as Commercial, Hospitality, Residential and Retail to name a few.
Promptech brings more than 100 years of experience in the projects management consultancy with the blend of highly skilled experience in consultancy and execution to provide clients with numerous sectors such as Commercial, Hospitality, Residential,Industrial and Retail to name a few; offering a wide range of service streams
The inherent knowledge and experience of local markets, together with the global expertise and resources available through our international network of Promptech’s Associates & Sister Company’s offices, makes Promptech Incorporated the obvious choice for prospective clients looking for long term relationships and seeking value added services on their development plans.
"Provide technically excellent and innovative products & solutions, for adding value For customers and operate globally as professional consultants."
"To be an internationally respected project management consultants & Single Window Solution provider offering comprehensive solutions in the construction industry."
Customer satisfaction and loyalty, Employee dignity and self respect, Technical excellence with professional ethics, Organisational and individual growth, Responsibility to society.
In addition to above, Promptech Incorporated is Certified Channel Partners for few blue chip companies for Roofing Solutions, Internal Plastering, External Vinyl Cladding, False Ceiling & Floorings, Automatics, UPVC Windows,Real Wood Windows, Vinyl Floorings, Audio-Video conferencing Solutions, Home/Office Automation, CCTV Security Surveillance as detailed below.
Get Started!Etiam cursus pellentesque neque, eget ullamcorper augue eleifend a. In sit amet pulvinar purus. Ut in nibh tortor. Nullam quis magna sed nunc facilisis blandit vel at erat. Donec blandit et nulla sed lacinia. Quisque ullamcorper tincidunt ante, ut feugiat felis consectetur ut.
Nam ullamcorper imperdiet luctus. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada mi, in posuere augue cursus nec. Morbi et vehicula risus, fermentum lacinia justo. Etiam tellus arcu, eleifend tristique enim rutrum iaculis risus, id tincidunt dui fringilla sed bibendum lorem.
Etiam cursus pellentesque neque, eget ullamcorper augue eleifend a. In sit amet pulvinar purus. Ut in nibh tortor. Nullam quis magna sed nunc facilisis blandit vel at erat. Donec blandit et nulla sed lacinia. Quisque ullamcorper tincidunt ante, ut feugiat felis consectetur ut.
Etiam cursus pellentesque neque, eget ullamcorper augue eleifend a. In sit amet pulvinar purus. Ut in nibh tortor. Nullam quis magna sed nunc facilisis blandit vel at erat. Donec blandit et nulla sed lacinia. Quisque ullamcorper tincidunt ante, ut feugiat felis consectetur ut.